Since having a child, I think about life differently. Becoming a mom does that. In the blink of an eye, you are no longer seeing the world for just yourself, you are seeing it for the both of you.
Because of that, I’ve started to study my own actions because… what does my child see? It’s pretty well known that “our actions speak louder than words”. Will he see me say that I live my life by the Gospel but hardly ever see me read it?
I want my child to see my Bible open on the kitchen table or counter as they grow up. I want them to see it all highlighted and underlined and with notes in the margins. Not tucked away on shelf, because this book, The Bible, is how I live my life.
I want my son to see me reading God’s Word everyday.⠀
At this point, my son still under 2 years old, I have to keep my Bible just out of reach up on the center of the kitchen table or on the counter. He can see me read it though. And eventually, as he grows older, he can interact with it, too.
Of course, my son & I will be reading the Bible together, doing Bible studies throughout his life, hearing it read at Church every Sunday. But with my Bible sitting out on the kitchen table or on the living room coffee table, my son will be able to see it sitting there and flip through it in a less formal way. Maybe, as a teenager, he’ll read it on his own here and there just because it’s there, out and available.
My Bible will always be accessible to him then.

I want my Bible to be as normal sitting out on the table, as cell phones have come to be.

If you feel the same, another thing to be aware of is your cell phone. Even if I were reading the Bible on my phone and I was personally being nourished by it, how would my child see that I’m doing that and that I’m not on Instagram endlessly scrolling? I want my Bible to be as normal sitting on the table as my phone is. ⠀
Sure, I am not perfect and there will be days that this doesn’t happen. Don’t let a perfectionist attitude stop you from trying. Children will still see it happening, as long as you do it consistently. They will learn that it is a daily part of a Christian’s life. By having your personal – highlighted – written in the margins – Bible out, you are also showing your children that you rely on the Lord and need Him every day. And that’s a powerful lesson. ⠀
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I love this! I don’t like my little ones seeing me on my phone either, but I don’t feel as bad when they see me with a book. I really need to make a point of having my Bible on the table.
Mountain Mama
Thank you! Yeah I totally agree!
10 Ways to Bring the Catholic Faith into Our Homes - Mountain Mama Homestead
[…] I’ve written about this before. Your children need to see you in Scripture. You can’t live by a book that is sitting dusty on a shelf. If you want to see more about this, read my post about it, HERE. […]