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This Simple and Essential Pantry Mix recipe is what I primarily keep on hand in my pantry.

I truly love baking, but to be honest, sometimes I’m lazy with it. The thought of taking out every ingredient to just make one recipe doesn’t inspire me to bake. So I figured, if I kept a mix that included the basic essentials of lots of recipes, I could save some time from taking out those ingredients every time I went to make something. Maybe that makes me a lazy baker, but if it keeps things simple, then I am all about it.

Speaking of keeping things simple, let’s talk about store-bought mixes for a minute. I would look at the ingredients in packages of store-bought mixes, and it wasn’t something I was excited to be making for my family. Sometimes, the store-bought mixes would contain “dry milk” products that I couldn’t eat, because I have a dairy allergy. Plus, knowing that I had the basic ingredients in my pantry at home and that I would be spending money on the convenience factor, I knew I had to do something differently.

This Simple and Essential Pantry Mix Recipe is a straightforward mix of two different flours, baking soda, baking powder, and salt.

I find that mixing both all-purpose and whole wheat flour, provides a more subtle flavor but still makes a recipe hearty. And if you typically use all-purpose flour but want to branch out into incorporating more whole wheat, this is a good way to do it, instead of jumping all the way in.

I knew I didn’t want to add sugar to the mix, because I could add that later in the various recipes and pantry mixes, like for pancakes. And that way, I could also use this mix as a start for something like a more savory yeast-free breadstick, too.

I also didn’t want to add fat either at this point, which is what makes this recipe different from things like Bisquik, which includes shortening. I wanted to be able to use different fats like olive oil, canola oil, coconut oil, or vegan/dairy-free butter for different types of recipes and not be committed to using shortening in every recipe.

The recipe I have for you below is for a smaller amount to try out, but you could definitely double this recipe, to have a larger quantity on hand. It may not work for every recipe (some baking recipes are very specific), but I will add recipes here onto the blog that I personally use it in. The next recipe I will share will be for pancakes! Over time, there will be a collection at your fingertips!

ALSO, QUICK TIP: Upon bringing pantry staples home from the grocery store, put them into the freezer for about a week and then let them come to room temperature for about 24 hours before using it in your pantry mixes. This will kill bugs (weevils) that may be living in your flour and save you a lot of headaches and frustration!

Simple & Essential

Pantry Mix Recipe

3 cups all purpose flour

2 cups whole wheat flour

2 tbsp baking powder

3/4 tsp baking soda

1.5 tsp salt

Mix it all so it is incorporated throughout the mixture. Keep in it a labeled jar in your pantry, with the date you made it.


Want to see more Simple and Essential Pantry Mix based recipes? Click HERE